Focus on outcomes, not hours.
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck
Siemens recently joined the list of companies to announce structural changes to the way they expect employees to work, which involves a move to more remote working. CEO Roland Busch stated a desire also to shift to a different leadership style that “focuses on outcomes rather than on time spent at the office. We trust our employees and empower them to shape their work themselves so that they can achieve the best possible results. With the new way of working, we're motivating our employees while improving the company's performance capabilities and sharpening Siemens' profile as a flexible and attractive employer.” Read the full article here.
Elsewhere the Harvard Business Review shared results from a survey conducted during lockdown in the US that explore how employees have fared since they began working virtually. The data sheds some light on the largest work-from-home experiment in history and goes some way to help businesses understand the impact working from home has had on productivity and creativity.
At Workshop we provide workspace to a number of businesses, many of them small businesses and start-ups, but we also host remote workers from larger companies based overseas. Our experience is that our workspace enables individuals and small teams to get the best of both worlds by working near to home and ditching the commute, while also providing a professional space where maximum productivity can be achieved in an uplifting and stimulating professional environment.